Privacy Policy

We have updated our privacy policy based on the changes required by European legislation in the General Data Protection Regulation applicable as of May 25, 2018. Below you will find all the details of the new policy that you need to know. In short, these updates have been made to make everything easier for you, and the information is transparent and simple. If after reading it you have any questions, write to us at

Who collects your data?

This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the Website, understood as all the pages and subpages included therein, declining nosense any responsibility for the different privacy policies and protection of personal data that the web pages may contain. which can be accessed through the hyperlinks located on this website and not managed directly by Nosense. This policy has been configured in strict compliance with the European regulations in force as of 05/25/18 regarding the protection of personal data.

What personal data do we keep?

Data that you have provided us. Personal data includes information such as email, home postal addresses, mobile phone number, usernames, personal preferences and purchasing habits, user-generated content, among others. It may also include numerical identifiers such as the IP address of your computer, the MAC address of your mobile device or information obtained through cookies.

Purpose of having data

We use your data to carry out the sales and shipping service and to send you push notifications, with information such as the status of your order or updates about it. Also, to send you information and newsletters about products and services of our brands, as well as offers and promotions.

What rights do you have?

Right to information: You have the right to receive transparent and easy-to-understand information about how we use your personal data.

Right of access: You have the right to confirmation of whether your data is being processed or not.

Right to rectification: You have the right to have your personal data rectified when it is inaccurate or no longer valid or to have it completed when it is incomplete.

Right to erasure: Also known as the right to be forgotten. In certain cases, you have the right to have your personal data deleted. Although we may have legal or legitimate reasons to keep them.

Right to object to direct marketing: You can unsubscribe from our direct marketing communications at any time.

Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us, in a structured and machine-readable format. After that, you can request the transfer of this data when the treatment is based on consent.

Right to disable cookies.

For any modification or deletion request, please contact us at or

How long do we keep data?

We will retain your data for the duration of the activity for which we initially collected your data.